Penis Envy Shrooms


Steven Pollock, created it from a unique mutation of the Amazonian Cubensis from Terrance McKenna.


Known to have a higher amount of Psilocin and Psilocybe. It is recommend for advanced users.


The high is powerful and an immersive experience comprised of euphoric discovery. You’ll have a higher appreciation for music or art.

Penis Envy is one of the most rare and sought after Psilocybe Cubensis amongst hardcore psychonauts. Its name describes it’s physical form; thick shaft and a bulbous head that doesn’t quite spread wide open.

The Penis Envy strain of magic mushrooms are known to be one of the strongest and hard hitting. Expect deep shamanic experiences, vision quests and an intense mystical experience. Not recommended for first time users. This strain is special and expect a transformative experience.

Buy Penis Envy Mushrooms Online


Penis Envy is one of the most rare and sought after Psilocybe Cubensis amongst hardcore psychonauts. Its name describes it’s physical form; thick shaft and a bulbous head that doesn’t quite spread wide open.

The Penis Envy strain of magic mushrooms are known to be one of the strongest and hard hitting. This strain grows very slow but the yields are large fruits, and mycologists suggest that its slow growth results in more time for psilocybin production.

Expect deep shamanic experiences, vision quests and an intense mystical experience with penis mushroom. Not recommended for first time users. This strain is special and expect a trans-formative experience.

Buy Penis Envy Shrooms Online

Everything about the Penis Envy magic mushroom is distinctive – from its peculiar name, its distinctive shape and appearance, to the legendarily powerful trip that it is capable of providing. Many people credit the penis envy shroom as being the most potent of all psilocybe cubensis varieties, although there is a lack of clinical research available to confirm whether that is truly the case. Penis Envy Shroom

Many magic mushroom enthusiasts swear by the penis envy as the strongest of its species, providing an intense euphoria, and incredibly powerful visuals. Although research into psilocybin mushrooms is ongoing, and we don’t know everything about them yet, a leading hypothesis is that penis envy mushrooms carry a higher concentration of psychotropic alkaloids, and a higher psilocin : psilocybin ratio.


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